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Novel Oral Device a Breath of Fresh Air for Canadian Sleep Apnea Sufferers

Novel Oral Device a Breath of Fresh Air for Canadian Sleep Apnea Sufferers

O2Vent® Optima cuts the cord on CPAP with comparable results for restful sleep

TORONTO, March 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canadians living with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) who are frustrated with cumbersome and uncomfortable CPAP machines can breathe easier thanks to an innovative new medical device now available in select cities.

The O2Vent® Optima from Oventus Medical is the world’s first custom-fit oral device to incorporate a built-in airway and a valve system, known as ExVent™. It is clinically proven to support a patient’s entire upper-airway for the treatment of OSA. The O2Vent® Optima uses the patient’s own breathing to generate pressure that stabilizes the airway, in much the same way as a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine and mask. Each mouthpiece is 3D printed in durable nylon from a scan taken of a patient’s mouth to ensure a perfect fit.

While CPAP is considered the most effective treatment for OSAi, patients often struggle with air pressure and mask fit. At the same time, traditional oral appliances can offer an alternativeii, but they are not always effective. The addition of the built-in airway in the O2Vent Optima and the inclusion of the ExVent™ valve has been shown to increase effectiveness by up to 50%iii,[iv] in patients that would not normally be treated with oral appliances. This improvement in clinical outcomes makes O2Vent Optima and ExVent a viable solution for patients who cannot use CPAP, one that is both discreet and comfortable. Unlike other oral appliances or CPAP interfaces, the O2Vent Optima device’s patented airway allows for airflow to the back of the mouth, bypassing obstructions that can occur from the nose, tongue and soft palate. It allows patients to breathe through their nose when they can, whereas breathing is supplemented via the airways in the device when nasal obstruction occurs.

“What’s exciting about the O2Vent Optima is that, for the first time, we can offer patients with OSA an alternative to CPAP that treats symptoms just as well but is far more comfortable to use and is precisely fitted from the start,” says Dr. Sat Sharma, Medical Director, Centres of Sleep in Ontario. “Long-term compliance wearing CPAP machines is a major challenge in OSA treatment, and many patients discontinue treatment because of mask discomfort, claustrophobia and intolerance. O2Vent Optima is a game-changer for millions of Canadians who live with OSA, even those who struggle with nasal obstruction and mouth breathing.”

OSA occurs when the tongue and soft palate collapse at the back of the throat, blocking the airway. In response, the brain fully or partially awakens individuals to resume breathing functions, resulting in sometimes hundred of sleep interruptions each night. Patients with OSA are at risk of developing significant health consequences such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes, while experiencing severe negative impacts on quality of life.

O2Vent Optima devices are especially beneficial for patients who have allergies or nasal congestion.

Ervin Magic, a Certified Physician Assistant working at the Windsor Sleep Disorders Clinic, knows first-hand what many of his patients experience with OSA. He has lived with moderate OSA symptoms for several years, and recently had an O2Vent Optima fitted.

“I wanted a treatment approach conducive to my lifestyle, as I travel frequently – CPAP and other oral appliances seemed too cumbersome to me,” Magic says. “The O2Vent Optima is comfortable and easy to use, which makes it easy to stick with it as a treatment. After only a few weeks of use, I’ve noticed my daytime alertness and energy have increased and my snoring, much to the relief of my wife, has decreased.”

O2Vent Optima is available at select sleep clinics in the Greater Toronto Area, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver. For a complete list, go to the Find a Provider page at For more information on the device, go to

About Oventus

Oventus Medical (ASX: OVN) is commercialising a unique treatment platform for sleep apnea and snoring. The O2Vent® Optima is a lightweight device with a patented airway that allows air to reach the back of the throat while people are sleeping, even in the presence of nasal obstruction. It provides welcome relief to people unable to tolerate CPAP therapy.

Oventus has a developed a collaborative Sleep Physician/ Dental ‘lab in lab’ model that streamlines patients’ access to treatment. It incorporates digital technology and intra oral scanning to achieve operational efficiencies and accuracy. It is delivering improved patient outcomes and provides a unique therapeutic option for sleep and dental groups.

Source: GlobalNewsWire


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